package schema import ( "" "" "" "" mixins2 "" "" "" ) type OauthProvider struct { ent.Schema } func (OauthProvider) Fields() []ent.Field { return []ent.Field{ field.String("name").Unique().Comment("The provider's name | 提供商名称"), field.String("client_id").Comment("The client id | 客户端 id"), field.String("client_secret").Comment("The client secret | 客户端密钥"), field.String("redirect_url").Default("").Comment("The redirect url | 跳转地址"), field.String("scopes").Default("").Comment("The scopes | 权限范围"), field.String("auth_url").Default("").Comment("The auth url of the provider | 认证地址"), field.String("token_url").Default("").Comment("The token url of the provider | 获取 Token 地址"), field.String("info_url").Default("").Comment("The URL to request user information by token | 用户信息请求地址"), field.Text("description").Default("").Comment("The description of the provider | 提供商描述"), field.Bool("system"). Default(false). Comment("The system internal oauth provider | 系统内置提供商"), field.Bool("init"). Default(false). Comment("The oauth provider init status | 提供商初始化状态"), } } func (OauthProvider) Mixin() []ent.Mixin { return []ent.Mixin{ mixins.NewDistributedIDMixin(func() int64 { return nrandom.SnowflakeId() }), mixins.TimeMixin{}, mixins2.SoftDeleteMixin{}, } } func (OauthProvider) Edges() []ent.Edge { return nil } func (OauthProvider) Indexes() []ent.Index { return nil } func (OauthProvider) Annotations() []schema.Annotation { return []schema.Annotation{ entsql.WithComments(true), entsql.Annotation{Table: "sys_oauth_provider"}, schema.Comment("OAuth提供商"), } }