FROM {{.Image}} as builder # Define the project name | 定义项目名称 ARG PROJECT={{.ServiceName}} WORKDIR /build COPY . . {{if .Chinese}} RUN sed -i 's/' /etc/apk/repositories {{end}}{{if .HasTimezone}} RUN apk update --no-cache && apk add --no-cache tzdata {{end}} RUN go env -w GO111MODULE=on \ {{if .Chinese}} && go env -w GOPROXY=,direct \ {{end}} && go env -w CGO_ENABLED=0 \ && go env \ && go mod tidy \ && go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o /build/${PROJECT}_{{.ServiceType}} ${PROJECT}.go FROM {{.BaseImage}} # Define the project name | 定义项目名称 ARG PROJECT={{.ServiceName}} # Define the config file name | 定义配置文件名 ARG CONFIG_FILE={{.ServiceName}}.yaml # Define the author | 定义作者 ARG AUTHOR="{{.Author}}" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=${AUTHOR} WORKDIR /app ENV PROJECT=${PROJECT} ENV CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE} {{if .HasTimezone}} COPY --from=builder /usr/share/zoneinfo/{{.Timezone}} /usr/share/zoneinfo/{{.Timezone}} ENV TZ={{.Timezone}} {{end}} COPY --from=builder /build/${PROJECT}_{{.ServiceType}} ./ COPY --from=builder /build/etc/${CONFIG_FILE} ./etc/ {{if .HasPort}} EXPOSE {{.Port}} {{end}} ENTRYPOINT ./${PROJECT}_{{.ServiceType}} -f etc/${CONFIG_FILE}