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package scheduler
import (
const (
infinite = -1
var (
timerManager = &struct {
incrementID int64 // auto increment id
timers map[int64]*Timer // all timers
muClosingTimer sync.RWMutex // 关闭锁,避免重复关闭
closingTimer []int64 // 已关闭的timer id
muCreatedTimer sync.RWMutex // 创建锁,避免重复创建
createdTimer []*Timer // 已创建的Timer
type (
// TimerFunc represents a function which will be called periodically in main
// logic goroutine.
TimerFunc func()
// TimerCondition represents a checker that returns true when cron job needs
// to execute
TimerCondition interface {
Check(now time.Time) bool
// Timer represents a cron job
Timer struct {
id int64 // timer id
fn TimerFunc // function that execute
createAt int64 // timer create time
interval time.Duration // execution interval
condition TimerCondition // condition to cron job execution
elapse int64 // total elapse time
closed int32 // is timer closed
counter int // counter
func init() {
timerManager.timers = map[int64]*Timer{}
// ID returns id of current timer
func (t *Timer) ID() int64 {
// Stop turns off a timer. After Stop, fn will not be called forever
func (t *Timer) Stop() {
if atomic.AddInt32(&t.closed, 1) != 1 {
t.counter = 0
// safeCall 安全调用,收集所有 fn 触发的 panic给与提示即可
func safeCall(_ int64, fn TimerFunc) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Handle timer panic: %+v\n%s", err, debug.Stack()))
func cron() {
if len(timerManager.createdTimer) > 0 {
for _, t := range timerManager.createdTimer {
timerManager.timers[] = t
timerManager.createdTimer = timerManager.createdTimer[:0]
if len(timerManager.timers) < 1 {
now := time.Now()
unn := now.UnixNano()
for id, t := range timerManager.timers {
if t.counter == infinite || t.counter > 0 {
// condition timer
if t.condition != nil {
if t.condition.Check(now) {
safeCall(id, t.fn)
// execute job
if t.createAt+t.elapse <= unn {
safeCall(id, t.fn)
t.elapse += int64(t.interval)
// update timer counter
if t.counter != infinite && t.counter > 0 {
if t.counter == 0 {
timerManager.closingTimer = append(timerManager.closingTimer,
if len(timerManager.closingTimer) > 0 {
for _, id := range timerManager.closingTimer {
delete(timerManager.timers, id)
timerManager.closingTimer = timerManager.closingTimer[:0]
// NewTimer returns a new Timer containing a function that will be called
// with a period specified by the duration argument. It adjusts the intervals
// for slow receivers.
// The duration d must be greater than zero; if not, NewTimer will panic.
// Stop the timer to release associated resources.
func NewTimer(interval time.Duration, fn TimerFunc) *Timer {
return NewCountTimer(interval, infinite, fn)
// NewCountTimer returns a new Timer containing a function that will be called
// with a period specified by the duration argument. After count times, timer
// will be stopped automatically, It adjusts the intervals for slow receivers.
// The duration d must be greater than zero; if not, NewCountTimer will panic.
// Stop the timer to release associated resources.
func NewCountTimer(interval time.Duration, count int, fn TimerFunc) *Timer {
if fn == nil {
panic("ngs/timer: nil timer function")
if interval <= 0 {
panic("non-positive interval for NewTimer")
t := &Timer{
id: atomic.AddInt64(&timerManager.incrementID, 1),
fn: fn,
createAt: time.Now().UnixNano(),
interval: interval,
elapse: int64(interval), // first execution will be after interval
counter: count,
timerManager.createdTimer = append(timerManager.createdTimer, t)
return t
// NewAfterTimer returns a new Timer containing a function that will be called
// after duration that specified by the duration argument.
// The duration d must be greater than zero; if not, NewAfterTimer will panic.
// Stop the timer to release associated resources.
func NewAfterTimer(duration time.Duration, fn TimerFunc) *Timer {
return NewCountTimer(duration, 1, fn)
// NewCondTimer returns a new Timer containing a function that will be called
// when condition satisfied that specified by the condition argument.
// The duration d must be greater than zero; if not, NewCondTimer will panic.
// Stop the timer to release associated resources.
func NewCondTimer(condition TimerCondition, fn TimerFunc) *Timer {
if condition == nil {
panic("ngs/timer: nil condition")
t := NewCountTimer(time.Duration(math.MaxInt64), infinite, fn)
t.condition = condition
return t