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1 year ago
package {{.pkg}}
{{if .withCache}}
import (
{{ if or (.gormCreatedAt) (.gormUpdatedAt) }} "time" {{ end }}
import (
{{ if or (.gormCreatedAt) (.gormUpdatedAt) }} "time" {{ end }}
var _ {{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model = (*custom{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model)(nil)
type (
// {{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model is an interface to be customized, add more methods here,
// and implement the added methods in custom{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model.
{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model interface {
custom{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model struct {
custom{{.upperStartCamelObject}}LogicModel interface {
{{ if or (.gormCreatedAt) (.gormUpdatedAt) }}
// BeforeCreate hook create time
func (s *{{.upperStartCamelObject}}) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
now := time.Now()
{{ if .gormCreatedAt }}s.CreatedAt = now{{ end }}
{{ if .gormUpdatedAt}}s.UpdatedAt = now{{ end }}
return nil
{{ end }}
{{ if .gormUpdatedAt}}
// BeforeUpdate hook update time
func (s *{{.upperStartCamelObject}}) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
s.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
return nil
{{ end }}
// New{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model returns a model for the database table.
func New{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model(conn *gorm.DB{{if .withCache}}, c cache.CacheConf{{end}}) {{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model {
return &custom{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model{
default{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model: new{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model(conn{{if .withCache}}, c{{end}}),
func (m *default{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model) customCacheKeys(data *{{.upperStartCamelObject}}) []string {
if data == nil {
return []string{}
return []string{}