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func (m *default{{.upperStartCamelObject}}Model) Delete(ctx context.Context, {{.lowerStartCamelPrimaryKey}} {{.dataType}}) error {
{{if .withCache}}{{if .containsIndexCache}}data, err:=m.FindOne(ctx, {{.lowerStartCamelPrimaryKey}})
if err!=nil{
return err
{{end}} {{.keys}}
_, err {{if .containsIndexCache}}={{else}}:={{end}} m.ExecCtx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("delete from %s where {{.originalPrimaryKey}} = {{if .postgreSql}}$1{{else}}?{{end}}", m.table)
return conn.ExecCtx(ctx, query, {{.lowerStartCamelPrimaryKey}})
}, {{.keyValues}}){{else}}query := fmt.Sprintf("delete from %s where {{.originalPrimaryKey}} = {{if .postgreSql}}$1{{else}}?{{end}}", m.table)
_,err:=m.conn.ExecCtx(ctx, query, {{.lowerStartCamelPrimaryKey}}){{end}}
return err