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1 year ago
package finder
import "strings"
// commonly dot file and dirs
var (
CommonlyDotDirs = []string{".git", ".idea", ".vscode", ".svn", ".hg"}
CommonlyDotFiles = []string{".gitignore", ".dockerignore", ".npmignore", ".DS_Store", ".env"}
// FindFlag type for find result.
type FindFlag uint8
// flags for find result.
const (
FlagFile FindFlag = iota + 1 // only find files(default)
FlagBoth = FlagFile | FlagDir
// ToFlag convert string to FindFlag
func ToFlag(s string) FindFlag {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
case "dirs", "dir", "d":
return FlagDir
case "both", "b":
return FlagBoth
return FlagFile
// Config for finder
type Config struct {
init bool
depth int
// ScanDirs scan dir paths for find.
ScanDirs []string `json:"scan_dirs"`
// FindFlags for find result. default is FlagFile
FindFlags FindFlag `json:"find_flags"`
// MaxDepth for find result. default is 0 - not limit
MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"`
// UseAbsPath use abs path for find result. default is false
UseAbsPath bool `json:"use_abs_path"`
// CacheResult cache result for find result. default is false
CacheResult bool `json:"cache_result"`
// ExcludeDotDir exclude dot dir. default is true
ExcludeDotDir bool `json:"exclude_dot_dir"`
// ExcludeDotFile exclude dot dir. default is false
ExcludeDotFile bool `json:"exclude_dot_file"`
// Matchers generic include matchers for file/dir elems
Matchers []Matcher
// ExMatchers generic exclude matchers for file/dir elems
ExMatchers []Matcher
// DirMatchers include matchers for dir elems
DirMatchers []Matcher
// DirExMatchers exclude matchers for dir elems
DirExMatchers []Matcher
// FileMatchers include matchers for file elems
FileMatchers []Matcher
// FileExMatchers exclude matchers for file elems
FileExMatchers []Matcher
// commonly settings for build matchers
// IncludeDirs include dir name list. eg: {"model"}
IncludeDirs []string `json:"include_dirs"`
// IncludeExts include file ext name list. eg: {".go", ".md"}
IncludeExts []string `json:"include_exts"`
// IncludeFiles include file name list. eg: {"go.mod"}
IncludeFiles []string `json:"include_files"`
// IncludePaths include file/dir path list. eg: {"path/to"}
IncludePaths []string `json:"include_paths"`
// IncludeNames include file/dir name list. eg: {"test", "some.go"}
IncludeNames []string `json:"include_names"`
// ExcludeDirs exclude dir name list. eg: {"test"}
ExcludeDirs []string `json:"exclude_dirs"`
// ExcludeExts exclude file ext name list. eg: {".go", ".md"}
ExcludeExts []string `json:"exclude_exts"`
// ExcludeFiles exclude file name list. eg: {"go.mod"}
ExcludeFiles []string `json:"exclude_files"`
// ExcludePaths exclude file/dir path list. eg: {"path/to"}
ExcludePaths []string `json:"exclude_paths"`
// ExcludeNames exclude file/dir name list. eg: {"test", "some.go"}
ExcludeNames []string `json:"exclude_names"`
// NewConfig create a new Config
func NewConfig(dirs ...string) *Config {
return &Config{
ScanDirs: dirs,
FindFlags: FlagFile,
// with default setting.
ExcludeDotDir: true,
// NewEmptyConfig create a new Config
func NewEmptyConfig() *Config {
return &Config{FindFlags: FlagFile}
// NewFinder create a new Finder by config
func (c *Config) NewFinder() *Finder {
return NewWithConfig(c.Init())
// Init build matchers by config and append to Matchers.
func (c *Config) Init() *Config {
if c.init {
return c
// generic matchers
if len(c.IncludeNames) > 0 {
c.Matchers = append(c.Matchers, MatchNames(c.IncludeNames))
if len(c.IncludePaths) > 0 {
c.Matchers = append(c.Matchers, MatchPaths(c.IncludePaths))
if len(c.ExcludePaths) > 0 {
c.ExMatchers = append(c.ExMatchers, MatchPaths(c.ExcludePaths))
if len(c.ExcludeNames) > 0 {
c.ExMatchers = append(c.ExMatchers, MatchNames(c.ExcludeNames))
// dir matchers
if len(c.IncludeDirs) > 0 {
c.DirMatchers = append(c.DirMatchers, MatchNames(c.IncludeDirs))
if len(c.ExcludeDirs) > 0 {
c.DirExMatchers = append(c.DirExMatchers, MatchNames(c.ExcludeDirs))
// file matchers
if len(c.IncludeExts) > 0 {
c.FileMatchers = append(c.FileMatchers, MatchExts(c.IncludeExts))
if len(c.IncludeFiles) > 0 {
c.FileMatchers = append(c.FileMatchers, MatchNames(c.IncludeFiles))
if len(c.ExcludeExts) > 0 {
c.FileExMatchers = append(c.FileExMatchers, MatchExts(c.ExcludeExts))
if len(c.ExcludeFiles) > 0 {
c.FileExMatchers = append(c.FileExMatchers, MatchNames(c.ExcludeFiles))
return c
// --------- config for finder ---------
// WithConfig on the finder
func (f *Finder) WithConfig(c *Config) *Finder {
f.c = c
return f
// ConfigFn the finder. alias of WithConfigFn()
func (f *Finder) ConfigFn(fns ...func(c *Config)) *Finder { return f.WithConfigFn(fns...) }
// WithConfigFn the finder
func (f *Finder) WithConfigFn(fns ...func(c *Config)) *Finder {
if f.c == nil {
f.c = &Config{}
for _, fn := range fns {
return f
// AddScanDirs add source dir for find
func (f *Finder) AddScanDirs(dirPaths []string) *Finder {
f.c.ScanDirs = append(f.c.ScanDirs, dirPaths...)
return f
// AddScanDir add source dir for find. alias of AddScanDirs()
func (f *Finder) AddScanDir(dirPaths ...string) *Finder { return f.AddScanDirs(dirPaths) }
// AddScan add source dir for find. alias of AddScanDirs()
func (f *Finder) AddScan(dirPaths ...string) *Finder { return f.AddScanDirs(dirPaths) }
// ScanDir add source dir for find. alias of AddScanDirs()
func (f *Finder) ScanDir(dirPaths ...string) *Finder { return f.AddScanDirs(dirPaths) }
// CacheResult cache result for find result.
func (f *Finder) CacheResult(enable ...bool) *Finder {
if len(enable) > 0 {
f.c.CacheResult = enable[0]
} else {
f.c.CacheResult = true
return f
// WithFlags set find flags.
func (f *Finder) WithFlags(flags FindFlag) *Finder {
f.c.FindFlags = flags
return f
// WithStrFlag set find flags by string.
func (f *Finder) WithStrFlag(s string) *Finder {
f.c.FindFlags = ToFlag(s)
return f
// OnlyFindDir only find dir.
func (f *Finder) OnlyFindDir() *Finder { return f.WithFlags(FlagDir) }
// FileAndDir both find file and dir.
func (f *Finder) FileAndDir() *Finder { return f.WithFlags(FlagDir | FlagFile) }
// UseAbsPath use absolute path for find result. alias of WithUseAbsPath()
func (f *Finder) UseAbsPath(enable ...bool) *Finder { return f.WithUseAbsPath(enable...) }
// WithUseAbsPath use absolute path for find result.
func (f *Finder) WithUseAbsPath(enable ...bool) *Finder {
if len(enable) > 0 {
f.c.UseAbsPath = enable[0]
} else {
f.c.UseAbsPath = true
return f
// WithMaxDepth set max depth for find.
func (f *Finder) WithMaxDepth(i int) *Finder {
f.c.MaxDepth = i
return f
// IncludeDir include dir names.
func (f *Finder) IncludeDir(dirs ...string) *Finder {
f.c.IncludeDirs = append(f.c.IncludeDirs, dirs...)
return f
// WithDirName include dir names. alias of IncludeDir()
func (f *Finder) WithDirName(dirs ...string) *Finder { return f.IncludeDir(dirs...) }
// IncludeFile include file names.
func (f *Finder) IncludeFile(files ...string) *Finder {
f.c.IncludeFiles = append(f.c.IncludeFiles, files...)
return f
// WithFileName include file names. alias of IncludeFile()
func (f *Finder) WithFileName(files ...string) *Finder { return f.IncludeFile(files...) }
// IncludeName include file or dir names.
func (f *Finder) IncludeName(names ...string) *Finder {
f.c.IncludeNames = append(f.c.IncludeNames, names...)
return f
// WithNames include file or dir names. alias of IncludeName()
func (f *Finder) WithNames(names []string) *Finder { return f.IncludeName(names...) }
// IncludeExt include file exts.
func (f *Finder) IncludeExt(exts ...string) *Finder {
f.c.IncludeExts = append(f.c.IncludeExts, exts...)
return f
// WithExts include file exts. alias of IncludeExt()
func (f *Finder) WithExts(exts []string) *Finder { return f.IncludeExt(exts...) }
// WithFileExt include file exts. alias of IncludeExt()
func (f *Finder) WithFileExt(exts ...string) *Finder { return f.IncludeExt(exts...) }
// IncludePath include file or dir paths.
func (f *Finder) IncludePath(paths ...string) *Finder {
f.c.IncludePaths = append(f.c.IncludePaths, paths...)
return f
// WithPaths include file or dir paths. alias of IncludePath()
func (f *Finder) WithPaths(paths []string) *Finder { return f.IncludePath(paths...) }
// WithSubPath include file or dir paths. alias of IncludePath()
func (f *Finder) WithSubPath(paths ...string) *Finder { return f.IncludePath(paths...) }
// ExcludeDir exclude dir names.
func (f *Finder) ExcludeDir(dirs ...string) *Finder {
f.c.ExcludeDirs = append(f.c.ExcludeDirs, dirs...)
return f
// WithoutDir exclude dir names. alias of ExcludeDir()
func (f *Finder) WithoutDir(dirs ...string) *Finder { return f.ExcludeDir(dirs...) }
// WithoutNames exclude file or dir names.
func (f *Finder) WithoutNames(names []string) *Finder {
f.c.ExcludeNames = append(f.c.ExcludeNames, names...)
return f
// ExcludeName exclude file names. alias of WithoutNames()
func (f *Finder) ExcludeName(names ...string) *Finder { return f.WithoutNames(names) }
// ExcludeFile exclude file names.
func (f *Finder) ExcludeFile(files ...string) *Finder {
f.c.ExcludeFiles = append(f.c.ExcludeFiles, files...)
return f
// WithoutFile exclude file names. alias of ExcludeFile()
func (f *Finder) WithoutFile(files ...string) *Finder { return f.ExcludeFile(files...) }
// ExcludeExt exclude file exts.
// eg: ExcludeExt(".go", ".java")
func (f *Finder) ExcludeExt(exts ...string) *Finder {
f.c.ExcludeExts = append(f.c.ExcludeExts, exts...)
return f
// WithoutExt exclude file exts. alias of ExcludeExt()
func (f *Finder) WithoutExt(exts ...string) *Finder { return f.ExcludeExt(exts...) }
// WithoutExts exclude file exts. alias of ExcludeExt()
func (f *Finder) WithoutExts(exts []string) *Finder { return f.ExcludeExt(exts...) }
// ExcludePath exclude file paths.
func (f *Finder) ExcludePath(paths ...string) *Finder {
f.c.ExcludePaths = append(f.c.ExcludePaths, paths...)
return f
// WithoutPath exclude file paths. alias of ExcludePath()
func (f *Finder) WithoutPath(paths ...string) *Finder { return f.ExcludePath(paths...) }
// WithoutPaths exclude file paths. alias of ExcludePath()
func (f *Finder) WithoutPaths(paths []string) *Finder { return f.ExcludePath(paths...) }
// ExcludeDotDir exclude dot dir names. eg: ".idea"
func (f *Finder) ExcludeDotDir(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
if len(exclude) > 0 {
f.c.ExcludeDotDir = exclude[0]
} else {
f.c.ExcludeDotDir = true
return f
// WithoutDotDir exclude dot dir names. alias of ExcludeDotDir().
func (f *Finder) WithoutDotDir(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
return f.ExcludeDotDir(exclude...)
// NoDotDir exclude dot dir names. alias of ExcludeDotDir().
func (f *Finder) NoDotDir(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
return f.ExcludeDotDir(exclude...)
// ExcludeDotFile exclude dot dir names. eg: ".gitignore"
func (f *Finder) ExcludeDotFile(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
if len(exclude) > 0 {
f.c.ExcludeDotFile = exclude[0]
} else {
f.c.ExcludeDotFile = true
return f
// WithoutDotFile exclude dot dir names. alias of ExcludeDotFile().
func (f *Finder) WithoutDotFile(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
return f.ExcludeDotFile(exclude...)
// NoDotFile exclude dot dir names. alias of ExcludeDotFile().
func (f *Finder) NoDotFile(exclude ...bool) *Finder {
return f.ExcludeDotFile(exclude...)
// --------- add matchers to finder ---------
// Includes add include match matchers
func (f *Finder) Includes(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.Matchers = append(f.c.Matchers, fls...)
return f
// Collect add include match matchers. alias of Includes()
func (f *Finder) Collect(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Includes(fls) }
// Include add include match matchers. alias of Includes()
func (f *Finder) Include(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Includes(fls) }
// With add include match matchers. alias of Includes()
func (f *Finder) With(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Includes(fls) }
// Adds include match matchers. alias of Includes()
func (f *Finder) Adds(fls []Matcher) *Finder { return f.Includes(fls) }
// Add include match matchers. alias of Includes()
func (f *Finder) Add(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Includes(fls) }
// Excludes add exclude match matchers
func (f *Finder) Excludes(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.ExMatchers = append(f.c.ExMatchers, fls...)
return f
// Exclude add exclude match matchers. alias of Excludes()
func (f *Finder) Exclude(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Excludes(fls) }
// Without add exclude match matchers. alias of Excludes()
func (f *Finder) Without(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Excludes(fls) }
// Nots add exclude match matchers. alias of Excludes()
func (f *Finder) Nots(fls []Matcher) *Finder { return f.Excludes(fls) }
// Not add exclude match matchers. alias of Excludes()
func (f *Finder) Not(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.Excludes(fls) }
// WithMatchers add include matchers
func (f *Finder) WithMatchers(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.Matchers = append(f.c.Matchers, fls...)
return f
// WithFilter add include matchers
func (f *Finder) WithFilter(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.WithMatchers(fls) }
// MatchFiles add include file matchers
func (f *Finder) MatchFiles(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.FileMatchers = append(f.c.FileMatchers, fls...)
return f
// MatchFile add include file matchers
func (f *Finder) MatchFile(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchFiles(fls) }
// AddFiles add include file matchers
func (f *Finder) AddFiles(fls []Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchFiles(fls) }
// AddFile add include file matchers
func (f *Finder) AddFile(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchFiles(fls) }
// NotFiles add exclude file matchers
func (f *Finder) NotFiles(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.FileExMatchers = append(f.c.FileExMatchers, fls...)
return f
// NotFile add exclude file matchers
func (f *Finder) NotFile(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.NotFiles(fls) }
// MatchDirs add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) MatchDirs(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.DirMatchers = append(f.c.DirMatchers, fls...)
return f
// MatchDir add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) MatchDir(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchDirs(fls) }
// WithDirs add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) WithDirs(fls []Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchDirs(fls) }
// WithDir add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) WithDir(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.MatchDirs(fls) }
// NotDirs add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) NotDirs(fls []Matcher) *Finder {
f.c.DirExMatchers = append(f.c.DirExMatchers, fls...)
return f
// NotDir add exclude dir matchers
func (f *Finder) NotDir(fls ...Matcher) *Finder { return f.NotDirs(fls) }