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package ac
import (
type iNFA struct {
matchKind matchKind
startID stateID
maxPatternLen int
patternCount int
heapBytes int
prefilter prefilter
anchored bool
byteClasses byteClasses
states []state
func (n *iNFA) FindAtNoState(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int) *Match {
return findAtNoState(n, prefilterState, bytes, i)
func (n *iNFA) Repr() *iRepr {
return nil
func (n *iNFA) MatchKind() *matchKind {
return &n.matchKind
func (n *iNFA) Anchored() bool {
return n.anchored
func (n *iNFA) Prefilter() prefilter {
return n.prefilter
func (n *iNFA) StartState() stateID {
return n.startID
func (n *iNFA) IsValid(id stateID) bool {
return int(id) < len(n.states)
func (n *iNFA) IsMatchState(id stateID) bool {
return n.state(id).isMatch()
func (n *iNFA) IsMatchOrDeadState(id stateID) bool {
return isMatchOrDeadState(n, id)
func (n *iNFA) MatchCount(id stateID) int {
return len(n.states[id].matches)
func (n *iNFA) NextState(id stateID, b byte) stateID {
for {
state := n.states[id]
next := state.nextState(b)
if next != failedStateID {
return next
id =
func (n *iNFA) NextStateNoFail(id stateID, b byte) stateID {
next := n.NextState(id, b)
if next == failedStateID {
panic("automaton should never return fail_id for next state")
return next
func (n *iNFA) StandardFindAt(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return standardFindAt(n, prefilterState, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) StandardFindAtImp(prefilterState *prefilterState, prefilter prefilter, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return standardFindAtImp(n, prefilterState, prefilter, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) LeftmostFindAt(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return leftmostFindAt(n, prefilterState, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) LeftmostFindAtImp(prefilterState *prefilterState, prefilter prefilter, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return leftmostFindAtImp(n, prefilterState, prefilter, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) LeftmostFindAtNoState(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int) *Match {
return leftmostFindAtNoState(n, prefilterState, bytes, i)
func (n *iNFA) LeftmostFindAtNoStateImp(prefilterState *prefilterState, prefilter prefilter, bytes []byte, i int) *Match {
return leftmostFindAtNoStateImp(n, prefilterState, prefilter, bytes, i)
func (n *iNFA) OverlappingFindAt(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID, i2 *int) *Match {
return overlappingFindAt(n, prefilterState, bytes, i, id, i2)
func (n *iNFA) EarliestFindAt(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return earliestFindAt(n, prefilterState, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) FindAt(prefilterState *prefilterState, bytes []byte, i int, id *stateID) *Match {
return findAt(n, prefilterState, bytes, i, id)
func (n *iNFA) MaxPatternLen() int {
return n.maxPatternLen
func (n *iNFA) PatternCount() int {
return n.patternCount
func (n *iNFA) UsePrefilter() bool {
p := n.Prefilter()
if p == nil {
return false
return !p.LooksForNonStartOfMatch()
func (n *iNFA) GetMatch(id stateID, matchIndex int, end int) *Match {
if int(id) >= len(n.states) {
return nil
state := n.states[id]
if matchIndex >= len(state.matches) {
return nil
pat := state.matches[matchIndex]
return &Match{
pattern: pat.PatternID,
len: pat.PatternLength,
end: end,
func (n *iNFA) addDenseState(depth int) stateID {
d := newDense()
trans := transitions{dense: &d}
id := stateID(len(n.states))
fail := n.startID
if n.anchored {
fail = deadStateID
n.states = append(n.states, state{
trans: trans,
fail: fail,
matches: nil,
depth: depth,
return id
func (n *iNFA) addSparseState(depth int) stateID {
trans := transitions{sparse: &sparse{inner: nil}}
id := stateID(len(n.states))
fail := n.startID
if n.anchored {
fail = deadStateID
n.states = append(n.states, state{
trans: trans,
fail: fail,
matches: nil,
depth: depth,
return id
func (n *iNFA) state(id stateID) *state {
return &n.states[int(id)]
type compiler struct {
builder iNFABuilder
prefilter prefilterBuilder
nfa iNFA
byteClassBuilder byteClassBuilder
func (c *compiler) compile(patterns [][]byte) *iNFA {
if !c.builder.anchored {
if c.builder.matchKind.isLeftmost() {
} else {
c.nfa.byteClasses =
if !c.builder.anchored {
c.nfa.prefilter =
return &c.nfa
func (c *compiler) calculateSize() {
var size int
for _, state := range c.nfa.states {
size += state.heapBytes()
c.nfa.heapBytes = size
func (c *compiler) closeStartStateLoop() {
if c.builder.anchored || (c.builder.matchKind.isLeftmost() && c.nfa.state(c.nfa.startID).isMatch()) {
startId := c.nfa.startID
start := c.nfa.state(startId)
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
if start.nextState(byte(b)) == startId {
start.setNextState(byte(b), deadStateID)
type queuedState struct {
id stateID
matchAtDepth *int
func startQueuedState(nfa *iNFA) queuedState {
var matchAtDepth *int
if nfa.states[nfa.startID].isMatch() {
r := 0
matchAtDepth = &r
return queuedState{id: nfa.startID, matchAtDepth: matchAtDepth}
func (q *queuedState) nextQueuedState(nfa *iNFA, id stateID) queuedState {
nextMatchAtDepth := q.nextMatchAtDepth(nfa, id)
return queuedState{id, nextMatchAtDepth}
func (q *queuedState) nextMatchAtDepth(
nfa *iNFA,
next stateID,
) *int {
switch q.matchAtDepth {
case nil:
if !nfa.state(next).isMatch() {
return nil
return q.matchAtDepth
depth := nfa.state(next).depth - *nfa.state(next).getLongestMatch() + 1
return &depth
func (c *compiler) fillFailureTransitionsStandard() {
queue := make([]stateID, 0)
seen := c.queuedSet()
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
next := c.nfa.state(c.nfa.startID).nextState(byte(b))
if next != c.nfa.startID {
if !seen.contains(next) {
queue = append(queue, next)
for len(queue) > 0 {
id := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
it := newIterTransitions(&c.nfa, id)
for next :=; next != nil; next = {
if seen.contains( {
queue = append(queue,
fail := it.nfa.state(id).fail
for it.nfa.state(fail).nextState(next.key) == failedStateID {
fail = it.nfa.state(fail).fail
fail = it.nfa.state(fail).nextState(next.key)
it.nfa.state( = fail
func (c *compiler) fillFailureTransitionsLeftmost() {
queue := make([]queuedState, 0)
seen := c.queuedSet()
start := startQueuedState(&c.nfa)
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
nextId := c.nfa.state(c.nfa.startID).nextState(byte(b))
if nextId != {
next := start.nextQueuedState(&c.nfa, nextId)
if !seen.contains( {
queue = append(queue, next)
if c.nfa.state(nextId).isMatch() {
c.nfa.state(nextId).fail = deadStateID
for len(queue) > 0 {
item := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
anyTrans := false
it := newIterTransitions(&c.nfa,
tr :=
for tr != nil {
anyTrans = true
next := item.nextQueuedState(it.nfa,
if seen.contains( {
tr =
queue = append(queue, next)
fail := it.nfa.state(
for it.nfa.state(fail).nextState(tr.key) == failedStateID {
fail = it.nfa.state(fail).fail
fail = it.nfa.state(fail).nextState(tr.key)
if next.matchAtDepth != nil {
failDepth := it.nfa.state(fail).depth
nextDepth := it.nfa.state(
if nextDepth-*next.matchAtDepth+1 > failDepth {
it.nfa.state( = deadStateID
tr =
if == it.nfa.state( {
panic("states that are match states or follow match states should never have a failure transition back to the start state in leftmost searching")
it.nfa.state( = fail
tr =
if !anyTrans && it.nfa.state( {
it.nfa.state( = deadStateID
func (n *iNFA) copyEmptyMatches(dst stateID) {
n.copyMatches(n.startID, dst)
func (n *iNFA) copyMatches(src stateID, dst stateID) {
srcState, dstState := n.getTwo(src, dst)
dstState.matches = append(dstState.matches, srcState.matches...)
func (n *iNFA) getTwo(i stateID, j stateID) (*state, *state) {
if i == j {
panic("src and dst should not be equal")
if i < j {
before, after := n.states[0:j], n.states[j:]
return &before[i], &after[0]
before, after := n.states[0:i], n.states[i:]
return &after[0], &before[j]
func (n *iNFA) iterAllTransitions(byteClasses *byteClasses, id stateID, f func(tr *next)) {
n.states[id].trans.iterAll(byteClasses, f)
func newIterTransitions(nfa *iNFA, stateId stateID) iterTransitions {
return iterTransitions{
nfa: nfa,
stateId: stateId,
cur: 0,
type iterTransitions struct {
nfa *iNFA
stateId stateID
cur int
type next struct {
key byte
id stateID
func (i *iterTransitions) next() *next {
sparse := i.nfa.states[int(i.stateId)].trans.sparse
if sparse != nil {
if i.cur >= len(sparse.inner) {
return nil
ii := i.cur
i.cur += 1
return &next{
key: sparse.inner[ii].b,
id: sparse.inner[ii].s,
dense := i.nfa.states[int(i.stateId)].trans.dense
for i.cur < len(dense.inner) {
if i.cur >= 256 {
panic("There are always exactly 255 transitions in dense repr")
b := byte(i.cur)
id := dense.inner[b]
i.cur += 1
if id != failedStateID {
return &next{
key: b,
id: id,
return nil
type queuedSet struct {
set map[stateID]struct{}
ind int
func newInertQueuedSet() queuedSet {
return queuedSet{
set: make(map[stateID]struct{}),
ind: 0,
func (q *queuedSet) contains(s stateID) bool {
_, ok := q.set[s]
return ok
func (q *queuedSet) insert(s stateID) {
q.set[s] = struct{}{}
func newActiveQueuedSet() queuedSet {
return queuedSet{
set: make(map[stateID]struct{}, 0),
ind: 0,
func (c *compiler) queuedSet() queuedSet {
if c.builder.asciiCaseInsensitive {
return newActiveQueuedSet()
return newInertQueuedSet()
func (c *compiler) addStartStateLoop() {
startId := c.nfa.startID
start := c.nfa.state(startId)
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
if start.nextState(byte(b)) == failedStateID {
start.setNextState(byte(b), startId)
func (c *compiler) addDeadStateLoop() {
dead := c.nfa.state(deadStateID)
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
dead.setNextState(byte(b), deadStateID)
func (c *compiler) buildTrie(patterns [][]byte) {
for i, pat := range patterns {
c.nfa.maxPatternLen = max(c.nfa.maxPatternLen, len(pat))
c.nfa.patternCount += 1
prev := c.nfa.startID
sawMatch := false
for depth, b := range pat {
sawMatch = sawMatch || c.nfa.state(prev).isMatch()
if c.builder.matchKind.isLeftmostFirst() && sawMatch {
continue Patterns
c.byteClassBuilder.setRange(b, b)
if c.builder.asciiCaseInsensitive {
b := oppositeAsciiCase(b)
c.byteClassBuilder.setRange(b, b)
next := c.nfa.state(prev).nextState(b)
if next != failedStateID {
prev = next
} else {
next := c.addState(depth + 1)
c.nfa.state(prev).setNextState(b, next)
if c.builder.asciiCaseInsensitive {
b := oppositeAsciiCase(b)
c.nfa.state(prev).setNextState(b, next)
prev = next
c.nfa.state(prev).addMatch(i, len(pat))
if c.builder.prefilter {
const asciiCaseMask byte = 0b0010_0000
func toAsciiLowercase(b byte) byte {
return b | (1 * asciiCaseMask)
func toAsciiUpper(b byte) byte {
b &= ^(1 * asciiCaseMask)
return b
func oppositeAsciiCase(b byte) byte {
if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' {
return toAsciiLowercase(b)
} else if 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' {
return toAsciiUpper(b)
return b
func (c *compiler) addState(depth int) stateID {
if depth < c.builder.denseDepth {
return c.nfa.addDenseState(depth)
return c.nfa.addSparseState(depth)
func newCompiler(builder iNFABuilder) compiler {
p := newPrefilterBuilder(builder.asciiCaseInsensitive)
return compiler{
builder: builder,
prefilter: p,
nfa: iNFA{
matchKind: builder.matchKind,
startID: 2,
maxPatternLen: 0,
patternCount: 0,
heapBytes: 0,
prefilter: nil,
anchored: builder.anchored,
byteClasses: singletons(),
states: nil,
byteClassBuilder: newByteClassBuilder(),
type iNFABuilder struct {
denseDepth int
matchKind matchKind
prefilter bool
anchored bool
asciiCaseInsensitive bool
func newNFABuilder(kind matchKind, asciiCaseInsensitive bool) *iNFABuilder {
return &iNFABuilder{
denseDepth: 2,
matchKind: kind,
prefilter: true,
anchored: false,
asciiCaseInsensitive: asciiCaseInsensitive,
func (b *iNFABuilder) build(patterns [][]byte) *iNFA {
c := newCompiler(*b)
return c.compile(patterns)
type state struct {
trans transitions
fail stateID
matches []pattern
depth int
func (s *state) heapBytes() int {
var i int
intSize := int(unsafe.Sizeof(i))
return s.trans.heapBytes() + (len(s.matches) * (intSize * 2))
func (s *state) addMatch(patternID, patternLength int) {
s.matches = append(s.matches, pattern{
PatternID: patternID,
PatternLength: patternLength,
func (s *state) isMatch() bool {
return len(s.matches) > 0
func (s *state) getLongestMatch() *int {
if len(s.matches) == 0 {
return nil
longest := s.matches[0].PatternLength
return &longest
func (s *state) nextState(input byte) stateID {
return s.trans.nextState(input)
func (s *state) setNextState(input byte, next stateID) {
s.trans.setNextState(input, next)
type transitions struct {
sparse *sparse
dense *dense
func sparseIter(trans []innerSparse, f func(*next)) {
var byte16 uint16
for _, tr := range trans {
for byte16 < uint16(tr.b) {
key: byte(byte16),
id: failedStateID,
byte16 += 1
key: tr.b,
id: tr.s,
byte16 += 1
for b := byte16; b < 256; b++ {
key: byte(b),
id: failedStateID,
func (t *transitions) iterAll(byteClasses *byteClasses, f func(tr *next)) {
if byteClasses.isSingleton() {
if t.sparse != nil {
sparseIter(t.sparse.inner, f)
if t.dense != nil {
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
key: byte(b),
id: t.dense.inner[b],
} else {
if t.sparse != nil {
var lastClass *byte
sparseIter(t.sparse.inner, func(n *next) {
class := byteClasses.bytes[n.key]
if lastClass == nil || *lastClass != class {
cc := class
lastClass = &cc
if t.dense != nil {
bcr := byteClassRepresentatives{
classes: byteClasses,
bbyte: 0,
lastClass: nil,
for n :=; n != nil; n = {
key: *n,
id: t.dense.inner[*n],
func (t *transitions) heapBytes() int {
var i int
intSize := int(unsafe.Sizeof(i))
if t.sparse != nil {
return len(t.sparse.inner) * (2 * intSize)
return len(t.dense.inner) * intSize
func (t *transitions) nextState(input byte) stateID {
if t.sparse != nil {
for _, sp := range t.sparse.inner {
if sp.b == input {
return sp.s
return failedStateID
return t.dense.inner[input]
func (t *transitions) setNextState(input byte, next stateID) {
if t.sparse != nil {
idx := sort.Search(len(t.sparse.inner), func(i int) bool {
return t.sparse.inner[i].b >= input
if idx < len(t.sparse.inner) && t.sparse.inner[idx].b == input {
t.sparse.inner[idx].s = next
} else {
if len(t.sparse.inner) > 0 {
is := innerSparse{
b: input,
s: next,
if idx == len(t.sparse.inner) {
t.sparse.inner = append(t.sparse.inner, is)
} else {
t.sparse.inner = append(
t.sparse.inner[idx] = is
} else {
t.sparse.inner = []innerSparse{
b: input,
s: next,
t.dense.inner[int(input)] = next
func newDense() dense {
return dense{inner: make([]stateID, 256)}
type dense struct {
inner []stateID
type innerSparse struct {
b byte
s stateID
type sparse struct {
inner []innerSparse