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1 year ago
// Package textutil provide some extra text handle util
package textutil
import (
// ReplaceVars by regex replace given tpl vars.
// If format is empty, will use {const defaultVarFormat}
func ReplaceVars(text string, vars map[string]any, format string) string {
return NewVarReplacer(format).Replace(text, vars)
// RenderSMap by regex replace given tpl vars.
// If format is empty, will use {const defaultVarFormat}
func RenderSMap(text string, vars map[string]string, format string) string {
return NewVarReplacer(format).RenderSimple(text, vars)
// IsMatchAll keywords in the give text string.
// TIP: can use ^ for exclude match.
func IsMatchAll(s string, keywords []string) bool {
return nstr.SimpleMatch(s, keywords)
// ParseInlineINI parse config string to string-map. it's like INI format contents.
// Examples:
// eg: "name=val0;shorts=i;required=true;desc=a message"
// =>
// {name: val0, shorts: i, required: true, desc: a message}
func ParseInlineINI(tagVal string, keys ...string) (mp nmap.SMap, err error) {
ss := nstr.Split(tagVal, ";")
ln := len(ss)
if ln == 0 {
mp = make(nmap.SMap, ln)
for _, s := range ss {
if !strings.ContainsRune(s, '=') {
err = fmt.Errorf("parse inline config error: must match `KEY=VAL`")
key, val := nstr.TrimCut(s, "=")
if len(keys) > 0 && !narr.StringsHas(keys, key) {
err = fmt.Errorf("parse inline config error: invalid key name %q", key)
mp[key] = val