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1 year ago
package retry
import (
const (
// DefaultRetryTimes times of retry
DefaultRetryTimes = 3
// DefaultRetryDuration time duration of two retries
DefaultRetryDuration = time.Second * 1
// Config is config for retry
type Config struct {
context context.Context
retryTimes uint
retryDuration time.Duration
// Func is function that retry executes
type Func func() error
// Option is for adding retry config
type Option func(*Config)
// WithTimes set times of retry.
func WithTimes(n uint) Option {
return func(rc *Config) {
rc.retryTimes = n
// WithDuration set duration of retries.
func WithDuration(d time.Duration) Option {
return func(rc *Config) {
rc.retryDuration = d
// WithContext set retry context config.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) Option {
return func(rc *Config) {
rc.context = ctx
// Retry executes the retryFunc repeatedly until it was successful or canceled by the context
// The default times of retries is 3 and the default duration between retries is 1 seconds.
func Retry(retryFunc Func, opts ...Option) error {
config := &Config{
retryTimes: DefaultRetryTimes,
retryDuration: DefaultRetryDuration,
context: context.TODO(),
for _, opt := range opts {
var i uint
for i < config.retryTimes {
err := retryFunc()
if err != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(config.retryDuration):
case <-config.context.Done():
return errors.New("retry is cancelled")
} else {
return nil
funcPath := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(retryFunc).Pointer()).Name()
lastSlash := strings.LastIndex(funcPath, "/")
funcName := funcPath[lastSlash+1:]
return fmt.Errorf("function %s run failed after %d times retry", funcName, i)