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146 lines
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1 year ago
package cmdline_test
import (
func TestLineParser_Parse(t *testing.T) {
args := cmdline.NewParser(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg"`).Parse()
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg", args[6])
args = cmdline.ParseLine(" ")
assert.Len(t, args, 0)
args = cmdline.ParseLine("./app")
assert.Len(t, args, 1)
p := cmdline.NewParser("./app sub ${A_ENV_VAR}")
assert.True(t, p.ParseEnv)
mock.MockEnvValue("A_ENV_VAR", "env-value", func(nv string) {
bin, args := p.BinAndArgs()
assert.Len(t, args, 2)
assert.Eq(t, "./app", bin)
assert.Eq(t, "env-value", args[1])
assert.NotEmpty(t, p.NewExecCmd())
p = cmdline.NewParser("./app sub ${A_ENV_VAR2}")
mock.MockEnvValue("A_ENV_VAR2", "env-value2", func(nv string) {
args := p.AlsoEnvParse()
assert.Len(t, args, 3)
assert.Eq(t, "env-value2", args[2])
func TestParseLine_Parse_withQuote(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
line string
argN int
index int
value string
line: `./app top sub -a ddd --xx "abc
argN: 7, index: 6, value: "abc\ndef",
line: `./app top sub -a ddd --xx "abc
def ghi"`,
argN: 7, index: 6, value: "abc\ndef ghi",
line: `./app top sub --msg "has multi words"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "has multi words",
line: `./app top sub --msg "has inner 'quote'"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "has inner 'quote'",
line: `./app top sub --msg "'has' inner quote"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "'has' inner quote",
line: `./app top sub --msg "has inner 'quote' words"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "has inner 'quote' words",
line: `./app top sub --msg "has 'inner quote' words"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "has 'inner quote' words",
line: `./app top sub --msg "has 'inner quote words'"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "has 'inner quote words'",
line: `./app top sub --msg "'has inner quote' words"`,
argN: 5, index: 4, value: "'has inner quote' words",
for _, tt := range tests {
args := cmdline.NewParser(tt.line).Parse()
assert.Len(t, args, tt.argN)
assert.Eq(t, tt.value, args[tt.index])
func TestParseLine_longLine(t *testing.T) {
line := "git log --pretty=format:'one two three'"
args := cmdline.ParseLine(line)
assert.Len(t, args, 3)
assert.Eq(t, "--pretty=format:'one two three'", args[2])
line = `git log --pretty=format:"one two three""`
args = cmdline.ParseLine(line)
assert.Len(t, args, 3)
assert.Eq(t, `--pretty=format:"one two three""`, args[2])
line = "git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset:%C(ul yellow)%d%Creset %s (%Cgreen%cr%Creset, %C(bold blue)%an%Creset)' --abbrev-commit -10"
args = cmdline.ParseLine(line)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "--graph", args[3])
assert.Eq(t, "--abbrev-commit", args[5])
func TestParseLine_errLine(t *testing.T) {
// exception line string.
args := cmdline.NewParser(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx msg"`).Parse()
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg\"", args[6])
args = cmdline.ParseLine(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg`)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg", args[6])
args = cmdline.ParseLine(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg text`)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg text", args[6])
args = cmdline.ParseLine(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg "text"`)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg \"text", args[6])
func TestLineParser_BinAndArgs(t *testing.T) {
p := cmdline.NewParser("git status")
b, a := p.BinAndArgs()
assert.Eq(t, "git", b)
assert.Eq(t, "status", strings.Join(a, " "))
p = cmdline.NewParser("git")
b, a = p.BinAndArgs()
assert.Eq(t, "git", b)
assert.Empty(t, a)