You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
9.7 KiB

package ncmd
import (
var (
ErrNotStarted = errors.New("command not running")
ErrMarshalerNil = errors.New("marshaller is nil but data not []byte type")
type (
Options struct {
Marshaler ndef.Marshaler // 序列化
// 缓存 STDOUT 和 STDERR最终写入 Status 内
// 通过 Cmd.Status 获取
Buffered bool
// STDOUT 和 STDERR 写入到 Status.Stdout 中,类似 linux 中的 2>&1
// 注当Streaming开启时此特性无效
CombinedOutput bool
// 流式处理,会将所有数据即时输出
Streaming bool
// LineBufferSize 设置 OutputStream 行缓冲区的大小,默认值 DEFAULT_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE
// 但如果发生 ErrLineBufferOverflow 错误,请尝试增加大小
LineBufferSize uint
// DevMode 开发模式打印log
DevMode bool
Option func(opt *Options)
// Cmd 处理器
type Cmd struct {
// Runtime
Cmd *exec.Cmd // CMD
Name string // name of binary(command) to run
Args []string // arguments
Env []string // *optional environment
Dir string // working dir
stdIn io.WriteCloser // 标准输入通道
stdoutStream *OutputStream // 标准输出通道
stderrStream *OutputStream // 标准错误输出通道
// flags
started bool // cmd.Start called, no error
stopped bool // cmd.Stop called
done bool // run() done
final bool // status finalized in Status
doneChan chan struct{} // closed when done running
status Status
statusChan chan Status // nil until Start() called
startTime time.Time
// messages
Stdout chan string // Stdout sets streaming STDOUT if enabled, else nil (see Options).
Stderr chan string // Stderr sets streaming STDERR if enabled, else nil (see Options).
stdoutBuf *OutputBuffer // 标准输出缓冲区
stderrBuf *OutputBuffer // 标准错误缓冲区
chSend chan []byte // 发送的数据缓冲区
type Status struct {
Cmd string
PID int
Complete bool // 如果被主动停止或kill该值为false
Exit int // exitCode
Error error // go error
StartTs int64 // 启动时间(纳秒) 0表示未启动(started)
StopTs int64 // 停止时间(纳秒) 0表示未启动(started)或未运行(running)
Runtime float64 // 运行时长
Stdout []string // buffered STDOUT
Stderr []string // buffered STDIN
func NewCmd(opts ...Option) *Cmd {
tmp := &Cmd{
Options: &Options{
Buffered: true,
DevMode: true,
// flags
started: false,
stopped: false,
done: false,
final: false,
doneChan: make(chan struct{}),
status: Status{
Exit: -1,
statusChan: nil,
// messages
chSend: make(chan []byte, 1024),
Mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
for _, opt := range opts {
options := tmp.Options
if options.LineBufferSize == 0 {
options.LineBufferSize = DEFAULT_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE
if options.Buffered {
tmp.stdoutBuf = NewOutputBuffer()
tmp.stderrBuf = NewOutputBuffer()
if options.CombinedOutput {
tmp.stdoutBuf = NewOutputBuffer()
tmp.stderrBuf = nil
if options.Streaming {
tmp.Stdout = make(chan string, DEFAULT_STREAM_CHAN_SIZE)
tmp.stdoutStream = NewOutputStream(tmp.Stdout)
tmp.Stderr = make(chan string, DEFAULT_STREAM_CHAN_SIZE)
tmp.stderrStream = NewOutputStream(tmp.Stderr)
return tmp
func (c *Cmd) Start(name string, args ...string) <-chan Status {
c.Name = name
c.Args = args
c.status.Cmd = name
defer c.Unlock()
if c.statusChan != nil {
return c.statusChan
c.statusChan = make(chan Status, 1)
return c.statusChan
func (c *Cmd) Stop() error {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.statusChan == nil || !c.started {
return ErrNotStarted
// 如果 done 为true表示程序已经执行完毕无需再Stop
if c.done {
return nil
c.stopped = true
// Signal the process group (-pid), not just the process, so that the process
// and all its children are signaled. Else, child procs can keep running and
// keep the stdout/stderr fd open and cause cmd.Wait to hang.
return terminateProcess(c.Cmd.Process.Pid)
func (c *Cmd) Status() Status {
defer c.Unlock()
// Return default status if cmd hasn't been started
if c.statusChan == nil || !c.started {
return c.status
if c.done {
// No longer running
if ! {
if c.stdoutBuf != nil {
c.status.Stdout = c.stdoutBuf.Lines()
c.stdoutBuf = nil // release buffers
if c.stderrBuf != nil {
c.status.Stderr = c.stderrBuf.Lines()
c.stderrBuf = nil // release buffers
} = true
} else {
// Still running
c.status.Runtime = time.Now().Sub(c.startTime).Seconds()
if c.stdoutBuf != nil {
c.status.Stdout = c.stdoutBuf.Lines()
if c.stderrBuf != nil {
c.status.Stderr = c.stderrBuf.Lines()
return c.status
// Done 返回一个在Cmd停止运行时关闭的通道。
// 等待所有的 goroutine 完成执行
// 命令完成后调用 Status 来获取其最终状态
func (c *Cmd) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return c.doneChan
func (c *Cmd) run() {
defer func() {
c.statusChan <- c.Status()
cmd := exec.Command(c.Name, c.Args...)
c.Cmd = cmd
switch {
case c.stdoutBuf != nil && c.stderrBuf != nil && c.stdoutStream != nil: // buffer and stream
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(c.stdoutStream, c.stdoutBuf)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(c.stderrStream, c.stderrBuf)
case c.stdoutBuf != nil && c.stderrBuf == nil && c.stdoutStream != nil: // combined buffer and stream
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(c.stdoutStream, c.stdoutBuf)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(c.stderrStream, c.stdoutBuf)
case c.stdoutBuf != nil && c.stderrBuf != nil: // buffer only
cmd.Stdout = c.stdoutBuf
cmd.Stderr = c.stderrBuf
case c.stdoutBuf != nil && c.stderrBuf == nil: // buffer combining stderr into stdout
cmd.Stdout = c.stdoutBuf
cmd.Stderr = c.stdoutBuf
case c.stdoutStream != nil: // stream only
cmd.Stdout = c.stdoutStream
cmd.Stderr = c.stderrStream
default: // no output (cmd >/dev/null 2>&1)
cmd.Stdout = nil
cmd.Stderr = nil
c.stdIn, _ = cmd.StdinPipe()
c.Env = cmd.Env
c.Dir = cmd.Dir
// Always close output streams. Do not do this after Wait because if Start
// fails and we return without closing these, it could deadlock the caller
// who's waiting for us to close them.
if c.stdoutStream != nil {
defer func() {
// exec.Cmd.Wait has already waited for all output:
// Otherwise, during the execution of the command a separate goroutine
// reads from the process over a pipe and delivers that data to the
// corresponding Writer. In this case, Wait does not complete until the
// goroutine reaches EOF or encounters an error.
// from
now := time.Now()
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
c.status.Error = err
c.status.StartTs = now.UnixNano()
c.status.StopTs = time.Now().UnixNano()
c.done = true
// Set initial status
c.startTime = now // running
c.status.PID = cmd.Process.Pid
c.status.StartTs = now.UnixNano()
c.started = true
// inner write
go c.writeLoop()
err := cmd.Wait()
now = time.Now()
// Get exit code of the command. According to the manual, Wait() returns:
// "If the command fails to run or doesn't complete successfully, the error
// is of type *ExitError. Other error types may be returned for I/O problems."
exitCode := 0
signaled := false
if err != nil && fmt.Sprintf("%T", err) == "*exec.ExitError" {
// This is the normal case which is not really an error. It's string
// representation is only "*exec.ExitError". It only means the cmd
// did not exit zero and caller should see ExitError.Stderr, which
// we already have. So first we'll have this as the real/underlying
// type, then discard err so status.Error doesn't contain a useless
// "*exec.ExitError". With the real type we can get the non-zero
// exit code and determine if the process was signaled, which yields
// a more specific error message, so we set err again in that case.
exiterr := err.(*exec.ExitError)
err = nil
if waitStatus, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = waitStatus.ExitStatus() // -1 if signaled
if waitStatus.Signaled() {
signaled = true
err = errors.New(exiterr.Error()) // "signal: terminated"
// Set final status
if !c.stopped && !signaled {
c.status.Complete = true
c.status.Runtime = now.Sub(c.startTime).Seconds()
c.status.StopTs = now.UnixNano()
c.status.Exit = exitCode
c.status.Error = err
c.done = true
// Send 发送指令
func (c *Cmd) Send(data any) (err error) {
var bytes []byte
if c.Marshaler == nil {
if bs, ok := data.([]byte); ok {
bytes = bs
} else {
return ErrMarshalerNil
} else {
bytes, err = c.Marshaler.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
nlog.Errorf("marshal data [%v] err %v", data, err)
return err
c.chSend <- bytes
return nil
func (c *Cmd) writeLoop() {
defer func() {
_ = c.stdIn.Close()
for {
select {
case <-c.Done():
case data := <-c.chSend:
// 实际写入数据
if c.DevMode {
nlog.Debugf("发送数据: [%s]", string(data))
data = append(data, '\n')
if _, err := c.stdIn.Write(data); err != nil {