package finder import ( "" "" "" "" "path" "regexp" "strings" "time" ) // ------------------ built in filters ------------------ // MatchFile only allow file path. var MatchFile = MatcherFunc(func(el Elem) bool { return !el.IsDir() }) // MatchDir only allow dir path. var MatchDir = MatcherFunc(func(el Elem) bool { return el.IsDir() }) // StartWithDot match dot file/dir. eg: ".gitignore" func StartWithDot() MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { name := el.Name() return len(name) > 0 && name[0] == '.' } } // MatchDotFile match dot filename. eg: ".idea" func MatchDotFile() MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { return !el.IsDir() && el.Name()[0] == '.' } } // MatchDotDir match dot dirname. eg: ".idea" func MatchDotDir() MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { return el.IsDir() && el.Name()[0] == '.' } } // MatchExt match filepath by given file ext. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.Add(MatchExt(".go")) // f.Not(MatchExt(".md")) func MatchExt(exts ...string) MatcherFunc { return MatchExts(exts) } // MatchExts filter filepath by given file ext. func MatchExts(exts []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { elExt := path.Ext(el.Name()) for _, ext := range exts { if ext == elExt { return true } } return false } } // MatchName match filepath by given names. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.Not(MatchName("", "*_test.go")) func MatchName(names ...string) MatcherFunc { return MatchNames(names) } // MatchNames match filepath by given names. func MatchNames(names []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { elName := el.Name() for _, name := range names { if name == elName || nfs.PathMatch(name, elName) { return true } } return false } } // MatchPrefix match filepath by check given prefixes. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.Add(finder.MatchPrefix("app_", "README")) func MatchPrefix(prefixes ...string) MatcherFunc { return MatchPrefixes(prefixes) } // MatchPrefixes match filepath by check given prefixes. func MatchPrefixes(prefixes []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { for _, pfx := range prefixes { if strings.HasPrefix(el.Name(), pfx) { return true } } return false } } // MatchSuffix match filepath by check path has suffixes. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.Add(finder.MatchSuffix("util.go", "")) // f.Not(finder.MatchSuffix("_test.go", ".log")) func MatchSuffix(suffixes ...string) MatcherFunc { return MatchSuffixes(suffixes) } // MatchSuffixes match filepath by check path has suffixes. func MatchSuffixes(suffixes []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { for _, sfx := range suffixes { if strings.HasSuffix(el.Path(), sfx) { return true } } return false } } // MatchPath match file/dir by given sub paths. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.Add(MatchPath("need/path")) func MatchPath(subPaths []string) MatcherFunc { return MatchPaths(subPaths) } // MatchPaths match file/dir by given sub paths. func MatchPaths(subPaths []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { for _, subPath := range subPaths { if strings.Contains(el.Path(), subPath) { return true } } return false } } // GlobMatch file/dir name by given patterns. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.AddFilter(GlobMatch("*_test.go")) func GlobMatch(patterns ...string) MatcherFunc { return GlobMatches(patterns) } // GlobMatches file/dir name by given patterns. func GlobMatches(patterns []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { for _, pattern := range patterns { if ok, _ := path.Match(pattern, el.Name()); ok { return true } } return false } } // RegexMatch match name by given regex pattern // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // f.AddFilter(RegexMatch(`[A-Z]\w+`)) func RegexMatch(pattern string) MatcherFunc { reg := regexp.MustCompile(pattern) return func(el Elem) bool { return reg.MatchString(el.Name()) } } // NameLike exclude filepath by given name match. func NameLike(patterns ...string) MatcherFunc { return NameLikes(patterns) } // NameLikes filter filepath by given name match. func NameLikes(patterns []string) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { for _, pattern := range patterns { if nstr.LikeMatch(pattern, el.Name()) { return true } } return false } } // // ----------------- built in file info filters ----------------- // // MatchMtime match file by modify time. // // Note: if time is zero, it will be ignored. // // Usage: // // f := NewFinder('path/to/dir') // // -600 seconds to now(last 10 minutes) // f.AddFile(MatchMtime(timex.NowAddSec(-600), timex.ZeroTime)) // // before 600 seconds(before 10 minutes) // f.AddFile(MatchMtime(timex.ZeroTime, timex.NowAddSec(-600))) func MatchMtime(start, end time.Time) MatcherFunc { return MatchModTime(start, end) } // MatchModTime filter file by modify time. func MatchModTime(start, end time.Time) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { if el.IsDir() { return false } fi, err := el.Info() if err != nil { return false } return ntime.InRange(fi.ModTime(), start, end) } } var timeNumReg = regexp.MustCompile(`(-?\d+)`) // HumanModTime filter file by modify time string. // // Usage: // // f := EmptyFinder() // f.AddFilter(HumanModTime(">10m")) // before 10 minutes // f.AddFilter(HumanModTime("<10m")) // latest 10 minutes, to Now func HumanModTime(expr string) MatcherFunc { opt := &ntime.ParseRangeOpt{AutoSort: true} // convert > to <, < to > expr = nstr.Replaces(expr, map[string]string{">": "<", "<": ">"}) expr = timeNumReg.ReplaceAllStringFunc(expr, func(s string) string { if s[0] == '-' { return s } return "-" + s }) start, end, err := ntime.ParseRange(expr, opt) if err != nil { panic(err) } return MatchModTime(start, end) } // FileSize match file by file size. unit: byte func FileSize(min, max uint64) MatcherFunc { return SizeRange(min, max) } // SizeRange match file by file size. unit: byte func SizeRange(min, max uint64) MatcherFunc { return func(el Elem) bool { if el.IsDir() { return false } fi, err := el.Info() if err != nil { return false } return nmath.InUintRange(uint64(fi.Size()), min, max) } } // HumanSize match file by file size string. eg: ">1k", "<2m", "1g~3g" func HumanSize(expr string) MatcherFunc { min, max, err := nstr.ParseSizeRange(expr, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } return SizeRange(min, max) }