package nstr import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unsafe" ) // Quote alias of strings.Quote func Quote(s string) string { return strconv.Quote(s) } // Unquote remove start and end quotes by single-quote or double-quote // // tip: strconv.Unquote cannot unquote single-quote func Unquote(s string) string { ln := len(s) if ln < 2 { return s } qs, qe := s[0], s[ln-1] var valid bool if qs == '"' && qe == '"' { valid = true } else if qs == '\'' && qe == '\'' { valid = true } if valid { s = s[1 : ln-1] // exclude quotes } // strconv.Unquote cannot unquote single-quote // if ns, err := strconv.Unquote(s); err == nil { // return ns // } return s } // JoinAny type to string func JoinAny(sep string, parts ...any) string { ss := make([]string, 0, len(parts)) for _, part := range parts { ss = append(ss, SafeString(part)) } return strings.Join(ss, sep) } /************************************************************* * convert value to string *************************************************************/ // ToString convert value to string, return error on failed func ToString(val any) (string, error) { return AnyToString(val, true) } // SafeString convert value to string, will ignore error func SafeString(in any) string { val, _ := AnyToString(in, false) return val } // MustString convert value to string, will panic on error func MustString(in any) string { val, err := AnyToString(in, false) if err != nil { panic(err) } return val } // AnyToString convert value to string. // // For defaultAsErr: // // - False will use fmt.Sprint convert complex type // - True will return error on fail. func AnyToString(val any, defaultAsErr bool) (str string, err error) { if val == nil { return } switch value := val.(type) { case int: str = strconv.Itoa(value) case int8: str = strconv.Itoa(int(value)) case int16: str = strconv.Itoa(int(value)) case int32: // same as `rune` str = strconv.Itoa(int(value)) case int64: str = strconv.FormatInt(value, 10) case uint: str = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10) case uint8: str = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10) case uint16: str = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10) case uint32: str = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10) case uint64: str = strconv.FormatUint(value, 10) case float32: str = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(value), 'f', -1, 32) case float64: str = strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64) case bool: str = strconv.FormatBool(value) case string: str = value case []byte: str = string(value) case time.Duration: str = strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10) case fmt.Stringer: str = value.String() default: if defaultAsErr { err = ndef.ErrConvType } else { str = fmt.Sprint(value) } } return } /************************************************************* * convert string value to byte * refer from *************************************************************/ // Byte2str convert bytes to string func Byte2str(b []byte) string { return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) } // Byte2string convert bytes to string func Byte2string(b []byte) string { return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) } // ToBytes convert string to bytes func ToBytes(s string) (b []byte) { strh := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) sh.Data = strh.Data sh.Len = strh.Len sh.Cap = strh.Len return b } /************************************************************* * convert string value to bool *************************************************************/ // ToBool convert string to bool func ToBool(s string) (bool, error) { return Bool(s) } // QuietBool convert to bool, will ignore error func QuietBool(s string) bool { val, _ := Bool(strings.TrimSpace(s)) return val } // MustBool convert, will panic on error func MustBool(s string) bool { val, err := Bool(strings.TrimSpace(s)) if err != nil { panic(err) } return val } // Bool parse string to bool. like strconv.ParseBool() func Bool(s string) (bool, error) { return convert.StrToBool(s) } /************************************************************* * convert string value to int, float *************************************************************/ // Int convert string to int, alias of ToInt() func Int(s string) (int, error) { return strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(s)) } // ToInt convert string to int, return error on fail func ToInt(s string) (int, error) { return strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(s)) } // Int2 convert string to int, will ignore error func Int2(s string) int { val, _ := ToInt(s) return val } // QuietInt convert string to int, will ignore error func QuietInt(s string) int { val, _ := ToInt(s) return val } // MustInt convert string to int, will panic on error func MustInt(s string) int { return IntOrPanic(s) } // IntOrPanic convert value to int, will panic on error func IntOrPanic(s string) int { val, err := ToInt(s) if err != nil { panic(err) } return val } // Int64 convert string to int, will ignore error func Int64(s string) int64 { val, _ := Int64OrErr(s) return val } // QuietInt64 convert string to int, will ignore error func QuietInt64(s string) int64 { val, _ := Int64OrErr(s) return val } // ToInt64 convert string to int, return error on fail func ToInt64(s string) (int64, error) { return strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0) } // Int64OrErr convert string to int, return error on fail func Int64OrErr(s string) (int64, error) { return strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0) } // MustInt64 convert value to int, will panic on error func MustInt64(s string) int64 { return Int64OrPanic(s) } // Int64OrPanic convert value to int, will panic on error func Int64OrPanic(s string) int64 { val, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } return val } /************************************************************* * convert string value to int/string slice, time.Time *************************************************************/ // Ints alias of the ToIntSlice(). default sep is comma(,) func Ints(s string, sep ...string) []int { ints, _ := ToIntSlice(s, sep...) return ints } // ToInts alias of the ToIntSlice(). default sep is comma(,) func ToInts(s string, sep ...string) ([]int, error) { return ToIntSlice(s, sep...) } // ToIntSlice split string to slice and convert item to int. // // Default sep is comma(,) func ToIntSlice(s string, sep ...string) (ints []int, err error) { ss := ToSlice(s, sep...) for _, item := range ss { iVal, err := nmath.ToInt(item) if err != nil { return []int{}, err } ints = append(ints, iVal) } return } // ToArray alias of the ToSlice() func ToArray(s string, sep ...string) []string { return ToSlice(s, sep...) } // Strings alias of the ToSlice() func Strings(s string, sep ...string) []string { return ToSlice(s, sep...) } // ToStrings alias of the ToSlice() func ToStrings(s string, sep ...string) []string { return ToSlice(s, sep...) } // ToSlice split string to array. func ToSlice(s string, sep ...string) []string { if len(sep) > 0 { return Split(s, sep[0]) } return Split(s, ",") }