package assert import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "reflect" "runtime/debug" "strings" ) // Nil asserts that the given is a nil value func Nil(t TestingT, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nstd.IsNil(give) { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected nil, but got: %#v", give), fmtAndArgs) } // NotNil asserts that the given is a not nil value func NotNil(t TestingT, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if !nstd.IsNil(give) { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, "Should not nil value", fmtAndArgs) } // True asserts that the given is a bool true func True(t TestingT, give bool, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if !give { t.Helper() return fail(t, "Result should be True", fmtAndArgs) } return true } // False asserts that the given is a bool false func False(t TestingT, give bool, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if give { t.Helper() return fail(t, "Result should be False", fmtAndArgs) } return true } // Empty asserts that the give should be empty func Empty(t TestingT, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { empty := isEmpty(give) if !empty { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should be empty, but was:\n%#v", give), fmtAndArgs) } return empty } // NotEmpty asserts that the give should not be empty func NotEmpty(t TestingT, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { nEmpty := !isEmpty(give) if !nEmpty { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should not be empty, but was:\n%#v", give), fmtAndArgs) } return nEmpty } // PanicRunFunc define type PanicRunFunc func() // didPanic returns true if the function passed to it panics. Otherwise, it returns false. func runPanicFunc(f PanicRunFunc) (didPanic bool, message any, stack string) { didPanic = true defer func() { message = recover() if didPanic { stack = string(debug.Stack()) } }() // call the target function f() didPanic = false return } // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified func panics. func Panics(t TestingT, fn PanicRunFunc, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if hasPanic, panicVal, _ := runPanicFunc(fn); !hasPanic { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic\n\tPanic value:\t%#v", fn, panicVal), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified func NOT panics. func NotPanics(t TestingT, fn PanicRunFunc, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if hasPanic, panicVal, stackMsg := runPanicFunc(fn); hasPanic { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "func %#v should not panic\n\tPanic value:\t%#v\n\tPanic stack:\t%s", fn, panicVal, stackMsg, ), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // PanicsMsg should panic and with a value func PanicsMsg(t TestingT, fn PanicRunFunc, wantVal any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { hasPanic, panicVal, stackMsg := runPanicFunc(fn) if !hasPanic { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic\n\tPanic value:\t%#v", fn, panicVal), fmtAndArgs) } if panicVal != wantVal { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "func %#v should panic.\n\tWant value:\t%#v\n\tPanic value:\t%#v\n\tPanic stack:\t%s", fn, wantVal, panicVal, stackMsg), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // PanicsErrMsg should panic and with error message func PanicsErrMsg(t TestingT, fn PanicRunFunc, errMsg string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { hasPanic, panicVal, stackMsg := runPanicFunc(fn) if !hasPanic { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic\n\tPanic value:\t%#v", fn, panicVal), fmtAndArgs) } err, ok := panicVal.(error) if !ok { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic and is error type,\nbut type was: %T", fn, panicVal), fmtAndArgs) } if err.Error() != errMsg { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "func %#v should panic.\n\tWant error:\t%#v\n\tPanic value:\t%#v\n\tPanic stack:\t%s", fn, errMsg, panicVal, stackMsg), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // Contains asserts that the given data(string,slice,map) should contain element // // TIP: only support types: string, map, array, slice // // map - check key exists // string - check sub-string exists // array,slice - check sub-element exists func Contains(t TestingT, src, elem any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { valid, found := nstd.CheckContains(src, elem) if valid && found { return true } t.Helper() // src invalid if !valid { return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v could not be applied builtin len()", src), fmtAndArgs) } // not found return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v\nShould contain: %#v", src, elem), fmtAndArgs) } // NotContains asserts that the given data(string,slice,map) should not contain element // // TIP: only support types: string, map, array, slice // // map - check key exists // string - check sub-string exists // array,slice - check sub-element exists func NotContains(t TestingT, src, elem any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { valid, found := nstd.CheckContains(src, elem) if valid && !found { return true } t.Helper() // src invalid if !valid { return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v could not be applied builtin len()", src), fmtAndArgs) } // found return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v\nShould not contain: %#v", src, elem), fmtAndArgs) } // ContainsKey asserts that the given map is contains key func ContainsKey(t TestingT, mp, key any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if !nmap.HasKey(mp, key) { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "Map should contains the key: %#v\nMap data:\n%v", key, nmap.FormatIndent(mp, " "), ), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // NotContainsKey asserts that the given map is not contains key func NotContainsKey(t TestingT, mp, key any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nmap.HasKey(mp, key) { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "Map should not contains the key: %#v\nMap data:\n%v", key, nmap.FormatIndent(mp, " "), ), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // ContainsKeys asserts that the map is contains all given keys // // Usage: // // ContainsKeys(t, map[string]any{...}, []string{"key1", "key2"}) func ContainsKeys(t TestingT, mp any, keys any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { anyKeys, err := narr.AnyToSlice(keys) if err != nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, err.Error(), fmtAndArgs) } ok, noKey := nmap.HasAllKeys(mp, anyKeys...) if !ok { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "Map should contains the key: %#v\nMap data:\n%v", noKey, nmap.FormatIndent(mp, " "), ), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // NotContainsKeys asserts that the map is not contains all given keys // // Usage: // // NotContainsKeys(t, map[string]any{...}, []string{"key1", "key2"}) func NotContainsKeys(t TestingT, mp any, keys any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { anyKeys, err := narr.AnyToSlice(keys) if err != nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, err.Error(), fmtAndArgs) } ok, hasKey := nmap.HasOneKey(mp, anyKeys...) if ok { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf( "Map should not contains the key: %#v\nMap data:\n%v", hasKey, nmap.FormatIndent(mp, " "), ), fmtAndArgs, ) } return true } // StrContains asserts that the given strings is contains sub-string func StrContains(t TestingT, s, sub string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if strings.Contains(s, sub) { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("String check fail:\nGiven string: %#v\nNot contains: %#v", s, sub), fmtAndArgs, ) } // StrCount asserts that the given strings is contains sub-string and count func StrCount(t TestingT, s, sub string, count int, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if strings.Count(s, sub) == count { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("String check fail:\nGiven string: %s\nNot contains %q count: %d", s, sub, count), fmtAndArgs, ) } // // -------------------- error -------------------- // // NoError asserts that the given is a nil error. alias of NoError() func NoError(t TestingT, err error, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return NoErr(t, err, fmtAndArgs...) } // NoErr asserts that the given is a nil error func NoErr(t TestingT, err error, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if err != nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Received unexpected error:\n%+v", err), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // Error asserts that the given is a not nil error. alias of Error() func Error(t TestingT, err error, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return Err(t, err, fmtAndArgs...) } // Err asserts that the given is a not nil error func Err(t TestingT, err error, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if err == nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, "An error is expected but got nil.", fmtAndArgs) } return true } // ErrIs asserts that the given error is equals wantErr func ErrIs(t TestingT, err, wantErr error, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if err == nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, "An error is expected but got nil.", fmtAndArgs) } if !errors.Is(err, wantErr) { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expect given err is equals %#v.", wantErr), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // ErrMsg asserts that the given is a not nil error and error message equals wantMsg func ErrMsg(t TestingT, err error, wantMsg string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if err == nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, "An error is expected but got nil.", fmtAndArgs) } errMsg := err.Error() if errMsg != wantMsg { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Error message not equal:\n"+ "expect: %q\n"+ "actual: %q", wantMsg, errMsg), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // ErrSubMsg asserts that the given is a not nil error and the error message contains subMsg func ErrSubMsg(t TestingT, err error, subMsg string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if err == nil { t.Helper() return fail(t, "An error is expected but got nil.", fmtAndArgs) } errMsg := err.Error() if !strings.Contains(errMsg, subMsg) { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Error message check fail:\n"+ "error message : %q\n"+ "should contains: %q", errMsg, subMsg), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // // -------------------- Len -------------------- // // Len assert given length is equals to wantLn func Len(t TestingT, give any, wantLn int, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { gln := nreflect.Len(reflect.ValueOf(give)) if gln < 0 { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be calc length", give), fmtAndArgs) } if gln != wantLn { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should have %d item(s), but has %d", give, wantLn, gln), fmtAndArgs) } return false } // LenGt assert given length is greater than to minLn func LenGt(t TestingT, give any, minLn int, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { gln := nreflect.Len(reflect.ValueOf(give)) if gln < 0 { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be calc length", give), fmtAndArgs) } if gln < minLn { t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should less have %d item(s), but has %d", give, minLn, gln), fmtAndArgs) } return false } // // -------------------- compare -------------------- // // Equal asserts that the want should equal to the given. // // alias of Eq() func Equal(t TestingT, want, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return Eq(t, want, give, fmtAndArgs...) } // Eq asserts that the want should equal to the given func Eq(t TestingT, want, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() if err := checkEqualArgs(want, give); err != nil { return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot compare: %#v == %#v (%s)", want, give, err), fmtAndArgs, ) } if !nreflect.IsEqual(want, give) { // TODO diff := diff(want, give) want, give = formatUnequalValues(want, give) return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal: \n"+ "expect: %s\n"+ "actual: %s", want, give), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // Neq asserts that the want should not be equal to the given. // // alias of NotEq() func Neq(t TestingT, want, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return NotEq(t, want, give, fmtAndArgs...) } // NotEqual asserts that the want should not be equal to the given. // // alias of NotEq() func NotEqual(t TestingT, want, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return NotEq(t, want, give, fmtAndArgs...) } // NotEq asserts that the want should not be equal to the given func NotEq(t TestingT, want, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() if err := checkEqualArgs(want, give); err != nil { return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot compare: %#v == %#v (%s)", want, give, err), fmtAndArgs, ) } if nreflect.IsEqual(want, give) { return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Given should not be: %#v\n", give), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // // assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123)) func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() if !nreflect.IsEqualValues(expected, actual) { //diff := diff(expected, actual) expected, actual = formatUnequalValues(expected, actual) return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal: \n"+ "expected: %s\n"+ "actual : %s", expected, actual), fmtAndArgs) } return true } // Lt asserts that the give(intX,uintX,floatX) should not be less than max func Lt(t TestingT, give, max any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nmath.Compare(give, max, "lt") { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Given %v should later than %v", give, max), fmtAndArgs) } // Lte asserts that the give(intX,uintX,floatX) should not be less than or equals to max func Lte(t TestingT, give, max any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nmath.Compare(give, max, "lte") { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Given %v should later than %v", give, max), fmtAndArgs) } // Gt asserts that the give(intX,uintX,floatX) should not be greater than min func Gt(t TestingT, give, min any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nmath.Compare(give, min, "gt") { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Given %v should gater than %v", give, min), fmtAndArgs) } // Gte asserts that the give(intX,uintX,floatX) should not be greater than or equals to min func Gte(t TestingT, give, min any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nmath.Compare(give, min, "gte") { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Given %v should gater than or equal %v", give, min), fmtAndArgs) } // IsType assert data type equals // // Usage: // // assert.IsType(t, 0, val) // assert type is int func IsType(t TestingT, wantType, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if nreflect.IsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(wantType), reflect.TypeOf(give)) { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected to be of type %v, but was %v", reflect.TypeOf(wantType), reflect.TypeOf(give)), fmtAndArgs, ) } // IsKind assert data reflect.Kind equals. // If `give` is ptr or interface, will get real kind. // // Usage: // // assert.IsKind(t, reflect.Int, val) // assert type is int kind. func IsKind(t TestingT, wantKind reflect.Kind, give any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { giveKind := nreflect.Elem(reflect.ValueOf(give)).Kind() if wantKind == giveKind { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected to be of kind %v, but was %v", wantKind, giveKind), fmtAndArgs, ) } // Same asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // // assert.Same(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. func Same(t TestingT, wanted, actual any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if samePointers(wanted, actual) { return true } return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not same: \n"+ "wanted: %p %#v\n"+ "actual: %p %#v", wanted, wanted, actual, actual), fmtAndArgs) } // NotSame asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // // assert.NotSame(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. func NotSame(t TestingT, want, actual any, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { if !samePointers(want, actual) { return true } t.Helper() return fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expect and actual point to the same object: %p %#v", want, want), fmtAndArgs) } // samePointers compares two generic interface objects and returns whether // they point to the same object func samePointers(first, second any) bool { firstPtr, secondPtr := reflect.ValueOf(first), reflect.ValueOf(second) if firstPtr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || secondPtr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { return false } firstType, secondType := reflect.TypeOf(first), reflect.TypeOf(second) if firstType != secondType { return false } // compare pointer addresses return first == second } // // -------------------- fail -------------------- // // Fail reports a failure through func Fail(t TestingT, failMsg string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() return fail(t, failMsg, fmtAndArgs) } type failNower interface { FailNow() } // FailNow fails test func FailNow(t TestingT, failMsg string, fmtAndArgs ...any) bool { t.Helper() fail(t, failMsg, fmtAndArgs) if fnr, ok := t.(failNower); ok { fnr.FailNow() } return false } // // -------------------- render error -------------------- // var ( // ShowFullPath on show error trace ShowFullPath = true // EnableColor on show error trace EnableColor = true ) // DisableColor render func DisableColor() { EnableColor = false } // HideFullPath render func HideFullPath() { ShowFullPath = false } // fail reports a failure through func fail(t TestingT, failMsg string, fmtAndArgs []any) bool { t.Helper() tName := t.Name() if EnableColor { tName = color.Red.Sprint(tName) } labeledTexts := []labeledText{ {"Test Name", tName}, {"Error At", strings.Join(callerInfos(), "\n")}, {"Error Msg", failMsg}, } // user custom message if userMsg := formatTplAndArgs(fmtAndArgs...); len(userMsg) > 0 { labeledTexts = append(labeledTexts, labeledText{"User Msg", userMsg}) } t.Error("\n" + formatLabeledTexts(labeledTexts)) return false }