You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
4.4 KiB

package ncli_test
import (
func TestCurrentShell(t *testing.T) {
path := ncli.CurrentShell(true)
if path != "" {
assert.NotEmpty(t, path)
assert.True(t, ncli.HasShellEnv(path))
path = ncli.CurrentShell(false)
assert.NotEmpty(t, path)
func TestExecCmd(t *testing.T) {
ret, err := ncli.ExecCmd("cmd", []string{"/c", "echo", "OK"})
assert.NoErr(t, err)
// *nix: "OK\n" win: "OK\r\n"
assert.Eq(t, "OK", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
ret, err = ncli.ExecCommand("cmd", []string{"/c", "echo", "OK1"})
assert.NoErr(t, err)
assert.Eq(t, "OK1", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
ret, err = ncli.QuickExec("cmd /c echo OK2")
assert.NoErr(t, err)
assert.Eq(t, "OK2", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
ret, err = ncli.ExecLine("cmd /c echo OK3")
assert.NoErr(t, err)
assert.Eq(t, "OK3", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
func TestShellExec(t *testing.T) {
ret, err := ncli.ShellExec("echo OK")
assert.NoErr(t, err)
// *nix: "OK\n" win: "OK\r\n"
assert.Eq(t, "OK", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
ret, err = ncli.ShellExec("echo OK", "powershell")
assert.NoErr(t, err)
assert.Eq(t, "OK", strings.TrimSpace(ret))
func TestLineBuild(t *testing.T) {
s := ncli.LineBuild("myapp", []string{"-a", "val0", "arg0"})
assert.Eq(t, "myapp -a val0 arg0", s)
s = ncli.BuildLine("./myapp", []string{
"-a", "val0",
"-m", "this is message",
assert.Eq(t, `./myapp -a val0 -m "this is message" arg0`, s)
func TestParseLine(t *testing.T) {
args := ncli.ParseLine(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg"`)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg", args[6])
args = ncli.String2OSArgs(`./app top sub --msg "has inner 'quote'"`)
assert.Len(t, args, 5)
assert.Eq(t, "has inner 'quote'", args[4])
// exception line string.
args = ncli.ParseLine(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx msg"`)
// dump.P(args)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg\"", args[6])
args = ncli.StringToOSArgs(`./app top sub -a ddd --xx "msg "text"`)
// dump.P(args)
assert.Len(t, args, 7)
assert.Eq(t, "msg \"text", args[6])
func TestWorkdir(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotEmpty(t, ncli.Workdir())
assert.NotEmpty(t, ncli.BinDir())
assert.NotEmpty(t, ncli.BinFile())
assert.NotEmpty(t, ncli.BinName())
func TestColorPrint(t *testing.T) {
// code gen by: kite gen parse ncli/_demo/gen-code.tpl
ncli.Redp("p:red color message, ")
ncli.Redf("f:%s color message, ", "red")
ncli.Redln("ln:red color message print in cli.")
ncli.Bluep("p:blue color message, ")
ncli.Bluef("f:%s color message, ", "blue")
ncli.Blueln("ln:blue color message print in cli.")
ncli.Cyanp("p:cyan color message, ")
ncli.Cyanf("f:%s color message, ", "cyan")
ncli.Cyanln("ln:cyan color message print in cli.")
ncli.Grayp("p:gray color message, ")
ncli.Grayf("f:%s color message, ", "gray")
ncli.Grayln("ln:gray color message print in cli.")
ncli.Greenp("p:green color message, ")
ncli.Greenf("f:%s color message, ", "green")
ncli.Greenln("ln:green color message print in cli.")
ncli.Yellowp("p:yellow color message, ")
ncli.Yellowf("f:%s color message, ", "yellow")
ncli.Yellowln("ln:yellow color message print in cli.")
ncli.Magentap("p:magenta color message, ")
ncli.Magentaf("f:%s color message, ", "magenta")
ncli.Magentaln("ln:magenta color message print in cli.")
ncli.Infop("p:info color message, ")
ncli.Infof("f:%s color message, ", "info")
ncli.Infoln("ln:info color message print in cli.")
ncli.Successp("p:success color message, ")
ncli.Successf("f:%s color message, ", "success")
ncli.Successln("ln:success color message print in cli.")
ncli.Warnp("p:warn color message, ")
ncli.Warnf("f:%s color message, ", "warn")
ncli.Warnln("ln:warn color message print in cli.")
ncli.Errorp("p:error color message, ")
ncli.Errorf("f:%s color message, ", "error")
ncli.Errorln("ln:error color message print in cli.")
func TestBuildOptionHelpName(t *testing.T) {
assert.Eq(t, "-a, -b", ncli.BuildOptionHelpName([]string{"a", "b"}))
assert.Eq(t, "-h, --help", ncli.BuildOptionHelpName([]string{"h", "help"}))
func TestShellQuote(t *testing.T) {
assert.Eq(t, `"'"`, ncli.ShellQuote("'"))
assert.Eq(t, `""`, ncli.ShellQuote(""))
assert.Eq(t, `" "`, ncli.ShellQuote(" "))
assert.Eq(t, `"ab s"`, ncli.ShellQuote("ab s"))
assert.Eq(t, `"ab's"`, ncli.ShellQuote("ab's"))
assert.Eq(t, `'ab"s'`, ncli.ShellQuote(`ab"s`))
assert.Eq(t, "abs", ncli.ShellQuote("abs"))