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package nfs_test
import (
func TestMustCopyFile(t *testing.T) {
srcPath := "./testdata/cp-file-src.txt"
dstPath := "./testdata/cp-file-dst.txt"
assert.NoErr(t, nfs.RmIfExist(srcPath))
assert.NoErr(t, nfs.RmFileIfExist(dstPath))
_, err := nfs.PutContents(srcPath, "hello")
assert.NoErr(t, err)
nfs.MustCopyFile(srcPath, dstPath)
assert.Eq(t, []byte("hello"), nfs.GetContents(dstPath))
assert.Eq(t, "hello", nfs.ReadString(dstPath))
str, err := nfs.ReadStringOrErr(dstPath)
assert.NoErr(t, err)
assert.Eq(t, "hello", str)